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5 Ways to Have a Meaningful Thanksgiving

Sharon Monticello

Sharon Monticello is native to one of California's most picturesque areas— Petaluma, nestled in the heart of wine country, has been home to Sharon's...

Sharon Monticello is native to one of California's most picturesque areas— Petaluma, nestled in the heart of wine country, has been home to Sharon's...

Feb 5 3 minutes read

With Thanksgiving weekend just a few short days ahead, preparations for a great feast is already underway for most. Aside from Christmas, this is definitely one of the most favorite holidays of all. And yes, it's not just about the turkey.  Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate the bounty of the harvest and the miracle of life. It's a time to be grateful for the food on the table, a time to spend with family and friends.

But what are the things that we can do to make it more meaningful?

Here are 5 ideas to have an even more meaningful and fulfilling Thanksgiving this year.

The Gift of Sharing

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While Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for the blessings of the past year, this is also a perfect time to share what you have with the less fortunate. Take the whole family out and volunteer serving food at a  nearby homeless shelter or any organization that helps the people in need. There are many ways that you can share your blessings and giving your time is definitely one of the best ways to do it.

Cook Together

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A lot of things are made convenient with technology nowadays and food is not an exception. With today's generation, everything is at the tip of your fingertips and almost all kinds of food can be delivered to your doorstep in a matter of minutes. At Thanksgiving, food is definitely one of the highlights and this year, make it more special by cooking all the food together. Gather everyone and plan ahead for the meals. Take out family recipes and share it with younger generations. This way, your guests can definitely appreciate the time and effort in making the Thanksgiving dinner.

No To Digital Distractions

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When everyone is on social media and would snap pictures at just about anything, these digital distractions can also become a barrier during special moments. Thanksgiving is a time to catch up and reconnect with people that matter most. Advise everyone to refrain from using mobile phones and tablets at the table and to set a specific time for picture taking. This is a perfect opportunity to focus and give your undivided attention to your family and friends.

Say Grace

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Though the habit of saying grace for each meal may not be regularly observed in today's generation. This is the one day of the year that people say a prayer of thanks before touching their food. Ask someone from the family to lead and say a thanksgiving prayer before the dinner. 


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Clink your glass often in praise of others. Toast the chefs and hosts, generously complimenting them, even if the turkey is a bit dry and the green beans are overcooked. You will enjoy the food and company more if you prime yourself for appreciative thoughts by voicing them loudly and often.

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